Sonia choquette
Sonia choquette

sonia choquette

It involves some hard choices you may need to make and even some heartache, but it’s all worth it in the end. This attractions assures that we learn the lessons and stick around till it becomes obvious to us. The physical attraction you may feel doesn’t have to be a proof that this is the person you are “meant to” spend your life with. Take these opportunities to let these powerful teachers to do their job.

sonia choquette

So, the way you are in each others lives (with your Soulmate) may not be ideal but incredibly important to your growth as a person. Not long after learning this important lesson I’ve met my Life Partner – the man I have been in a loving, fun relationship for the last 7 years. Once I got honest with myself and connected with my heart, I understood the purpose of that relationship. I was miss-treating myself and I had to find out so I could correct that behaviour, and most importantly so one day I could have the loving relationship I was dreaming of. He really well pointed out my blind spots when it came to being in a relationship. And he did a good job teaching me to expect better and ask for what I know I deserve in a relationship. This particular Soulmate was my Self Love and Self Worth teacher. So confusing and frustrating ending in an ugly break-up and the man who I thought was my Soulmate saying to me: “Erika, you deserve better!” It was emotional, passionate and a total mess. I remember one of those relationships I had myself with someone I thought was my Soulmate -” the one” as I understood it back than too. Soulmates challenge us to unconditional love, and to love our selves fully. They are here to activate the growth of our soul.īut there are exceptions, of course. Soulmates are not usually interested in traditional commitments. Why? Because many times they are not available to us – emotionally or in other ways. That’s when it gets confusing and hard to navigate in a way that we could get the most out of these relationships. Sometimes there is even a strong physical attraction. Our connection with Soulmates is usually really deep. They remind us to grow in a way that we don’t block – other words we are willing to change for them and also look at things from a new perspective. Soulmates are actually primarily powerful teachers letting us know about our blind spots. Not the usual definition of a Soulmate, right? Soulmates are Divine appointment with people who remind you of your Soul Plan and who activate your most authentic self, and who challenge you to grow your soul the most. Here are some important notes from this great interview: Who are Soulmates? That’s why I use her teachings in my own Coaching approach as much as I do. She always offers tons of simple, practical and fun tools that actually work and work fast (from my experience). Sonia has very practical and down to earth approach to the idea of manifesting your most desired life. I own 3 of her books and I really treasure them. Sonia Choquette is one of my favourite Self help and Spirituality authors. Sonia Choquette and Lilou Mace on Soulmates versus Life Partners This interview may be hard to digest for some people but I think it offers very grounded ideas about finding the true love. Two of my favourite women – Lilou Mace and Sonia Choquette talking about Soulmates versus Life Partners, may have some answers for you. So why are so many people today still having such a hard time with finding “the one”? There are tons of books out there on the topic of finding Your True Soulmate.

sonia choquette

The word Soulmate is being thrown around a lot these days. What if you have been chasing after the wrong idea and missing on opportunities to meet the partner that will be the right/ most complimentary company for you in your life? What if your Soulmate is not who you think he/ she is? That’s why we chase after it so relentlessly.īut what if it’s all misunderstood. Oh, the romantic idea of a Soulmate – the perfect person that changes everything and our life turns into heaven on Earth.

Sonia choquette